
Charlie Brown Pathetic Tree

At UrbanOutfitters:

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Good Grief. Learn the true meaning of Christmas with Charlie Brown's classic pathetic Christmas tree. Leave it bare or dress it up all fancy. The tree is an exact replica of the tree from the famous cartoon, made of wire branches and plastic needles with a criss cross wooden base. The bendable branches allow you to make it look just how you want, super pathetic or just kind of pathetic. The tree comes with one red Christmas ball ornament. Plus the bendable branches make it possible to fold the tree entirely flat for easy storage during the non-yuletide times of the year.


Blogger Reid said...

Well, making a replica of the tree Charlie Brown chose to deny capitalism and then selling it at department stores certainly seems to be the kind of irony that would make Charles Schultz spin in his grave like a turbine.

Love the blog.

1/05/2006 11:27 PM  
Blogger LexMonkey said...

Thanks, Reid.

Personally, I don't think Schultz would have a problem with this. After all, he merchandised the hell out of the Peanuts. There's enough Snoopy crap out there to fill the Grand Canyon.

1/06/2006 12:26 AM  
Blogger Reid said...

Wasn't he buried in a casket with Snoopy's picture on it?

Probably not, but it makes for a great story, doesn't it?

1/06/2006 10:17 PM  

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