Real world "superheroes" in Indianapolis
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
so tonight is the first night in a new era here in indianapolis. the dawn of the age of superheroes.
after realizing the total lack of justice in the world,my friends and i have decided to become superheroes in order to balance this fracturing planet of ours.
tonight,with my partner in crime fighting 'Mr. Silent',we went around the city helping people and stopping fights,drunk drivers,and a group of young dumb kids hitting an old woman's car.
the sad thing is this,while trying to stop a fight between two drunken latinos,the police pulled up..they watched them fighting,and us trying to break it up,and after about 2 minutes they just help or anything. we were in front of the greyhound station at the time and people said things like "the police here don't do anything,do they?" which we replied "of course not!which is why this city is in such dire need of us!"..there the cops were,getting paid to fight crime,and they just drove by,but us poor superheroes get nothing,yet we're the ones making a know,i really dont care though,i dont need money to do this...fighting crime is the cherry on top of my sundae of justice,and i'll eat those cherries until i get sick.and then i'll eat some more
....that's just the type of crime fighter i am.
Friday, October 07, 2005
slowly but surely we as superheroes will help bring this fallen nation of corruption to it's full glorious potential!Friday, December 16, 2005
you know what im saying is true!..stand up,fight for justice,put on a mask and cape,and get mad at bad!we have nothing to lose but our identities.we have a world to win!
while doing our rounds,various security guards all over town gave us thumbs up and many citizens waved and wished us well in our non stop fight against tyranny...well,maybe not "nonstop",because i need to recoup for tomorrow night's patrol.
so it's time for bed.
everything i've told you is true.this is not satire.
god speed.
and remember
if you're not sure if you're super yet,
and you see a crime.......please report it.
leave crime fighting to the professionals.
Sunday, January 01, 2006well,another night of patrolling the city.
word is starting to spread about the justice society of justice's exploits..someone even came up tonight and said "hey,aren't you those superheroes?"..ahh,the curiousness of it all.
we only ran with a 3 man patrol group this evening,which is kind of dangerous,but we did it anyway ...Captain Whiskey decided to sleep instead of fighting alongside of us...(crime doesn't sleep!)..the Apostolic Avenger,and his wife the Green Discharge had to stay home and study for college exams.Redundo was busy at his job wrangling tards,and Powerful Man had to get up early to do a 12 hour security shift..*sigh*
the popularity of this thing is going thru the roof..everyone who hears about it instantly wants to suit up and come along with their own moronic character ideas and ridiculous costumes..a good friend of mine who is overly busty has come up with a great cliche patriotic female superhero identity...The TWIN TOWERS.she's planning on having images of tower one and two over her crime fighting busoms of hope.
i'm hoping that when supervillains start coming out of the woodwork,we'll be prepared...i'm hoping for more joker style villains than say,lex luthor style...the lex type villain would have lots of money and gadgets at his disposal to further his sinister ends,while the joker type would just be a clown.
and i'll kick a fuckin clown's ass anyday. thing i've noticed is,black girls LOVE Mr. Silent.
he got 3 different phone numbers tonight and some girl said "i bet you tha bomb in bed"..
i about shat.
yeah bebe.
Doktor DiscorD describes his quest on his MySpace profile page:
hi. i'm a real-life CRIME FIGHTING SUPERHERO.Mr. Silent keeps his own blog as well:
Some say i'm just your average schizoid antihero personality type on the verge of a mental breakdown. Some say i'm already crazy...AND YES!!!(thanks for suggesting) "You're mad.."
of course im fucking mad,man!!
Aren't you???
Some people ask "Are you some kind of faggot roleplayer?"
NO. I really go out and fight crime on the streets of Indianapolis alongside my compatriots in the JUSTICE SOCIETY OF JUSTICE.
I got tired of the CRIME.
I got tired of the CORRUPTION and FEAR.
These things won't go away on their own.
Some say "are you joking?" to which i can only say,
what do we consider "CRIME" you might ask...we dont care about victimless crime like drug use or people buying prostitutes. the kind of CRIME we're talking about is the kind that makes little old ladies afraid to leave their houses.
the kind of CRIME that makes single mothers afraid to walk to their cars at night.
We urge you all to don the mask and make a stand against CRIMINALITY.
Start patrols in your neighborhood with some friends,but be sure to wear a probably don't want LOW LIFE CRIMINALS to recognize your face and follow you home to endanger your family/friends.
Join the JSJ along side our numerous other heroes.
Mr. Silent
our hasidic rapper friend Dr. Dreidel and his sidekick The Kosher Kid
Liquid Courage
The Human Robot
The Apostolic Avenger
Cap'n Whiskey
The Hamburger Helper
The Plunisher
and the gynecological justice of The Green Discharge
all characters and their likeness are copyrighted by JSJ inc. (o6)
The JUSTICE SOCIETY OF JUSTICE...offering twice the JUSTICE as the leading competitors!
Sunday, January 01, 2006 - 3:35PM
Gaining Super PowersMonday, January 02, 2006 - 1:07AM
For those of you wondering what has happened to me. What sort of tramatic event has occured in my life to cause me to punish the evil doer. Well, I can't really think of one.
So, why am I doing this you may ask. Well, I could tell you that my family was killed by a biker gang or that I was attacked and refused to be afraid any longer, but I can't. The real answer is much less fantastic. My friend (Dr. Discord) and I were getting drunk one night and decided it was a good idea. So, we went into our closets and discovered we already possessed the appropriate attire.
The first night was pretty cool. Just about everyone we came into contact with asked us why we were dressed like we were. When we told them we were superheros they either looked at us in disbelief or were on the whole cool with it. I think that the idea of people donning costumes and fighting crime has been so ingrained in the American subconscious that if someone really does it, it isn't really that far of a stretch. A few people actually thanked us for keeping the streets clear of crime (and yes they were serious).
I guess our goal is to bring superheros into the main stream of society. We want the government to recognize our right to fight crime and our right to alter the basic structure of this reality. If we can accomplish that, then the world just might become more like a comic book and less like the bible. Just maybe....
Undercover PimpMonday, January 02, 2006 - 12:38PM
I don't know what it is, but I think my suit is endowed with some type of power. The honies can't seem to get enough of it.
This seems to be one of the many powers of Mr. Silent. I didn't intend for that to happen. I mean it doesn't really help me fight crime (though it does make it more fun). So, if I ever aquire a super villian who has a loyal army of prostitutes or something, I will be set. Man, I sure hope that doesn't happen. That certainly would suck.
Generation JUSTICE!!!!!!!!
In a world that is constantly changing, where boundaries are becoming less defined, they came. Mr. Silent and Doktor Discord, being of almost sound mind, have taken a momentous step forward. Towards the future.
Evolution is upon us, no holds barred. When the history judges our actions, it will see us as we see ourselves, as pioneers.
Don't for a second think this thing will blow over, that it is a fad, nothing could be further from the truth.
There is always a first, then a second and then an explosion. You say, "I don't know if I want superheros in my world. I don't know if I'm ready for that." Well, know this, we are here because we are meant to be here. Everything happens for a reason. Call it divine intervention, call it fate, but whatever ever you do don't call it wrong. How can something be wrong that feels sooo right.

Mr. Silent, Doktor DiscorD, Doom Bunny