
A quiz from the Daily Show

White House press secretary Scott McClennan recently said, "I'm not going to speculate about this ongoing investigation."

Was he referring to:

A) Dick Cheney's accidental shooting of a man
B) The bungled federal response to Hurricane Katrina
C) The Jack Abramoff corruption scandal
or D) The Valerie Plame CIA leak affair
or E) The investigation into illegal wiretapping
or F) The Abu Ghraib prison torture cover up
or G) The Guantanamo Bay prison torture cover up
or H) The Tom Delay corruption scandal
Z) Oil industry subsidies
greek letter alpha) NASA censorship
greek letter beta) Politicization of PBS
greek letter gamma) Halliburton no-bid contracts
or greek letter delta) The failure to find Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq

So many scandals to choose from...


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